On Bioinformatics: Tribe MCL Algorithm Today in our journal club we discussed a paper on Tribe-MCL algorithm which uses the Markov Clustering Algorithm (MCL) for finding protein families. Some of the main concerns I have are a) They say that they have an expertise in detecting Domain Architecture (Domain Architecture means a sequence of conserved domains found in a protein {Refere CDART paper for definition}). This expertise overcomes the problem that previous algorithms had, which detected domains and not the domain architecture. In that case , many a times two proteins in the same protein family and having the same conserved domain landed themselves in a totally different category of biochemical function. We need to discuss, how exactly the mcl algorithm overcomes this problem b) Second thing they discusses is that try use an algorithm called CAST to remove the low complexity regions {and not promiscous domains}. I need to know how this low complexity region removing is different tha...
Showing posts from September, 2004