Summary of Supercomputing 05

Things I attended

1) Tutorial on datawarehousing for Genomics and Proteomics
(Marshal Peterson, CTO-Craig venter institute)

- Talked about the Sargasso sea experiment.
- produced 100 million of genetic code every 24 hours
- 1800 new species
- 1.2 million new genes
- 12 complete genomes
- Before this experiment we knew about only 120-180k genes
- looked for something like: Take all genes which might be efficient in producing ethanol
- generated 1 billion base pairs of dna
- 85% of sequence was only seen once
- Used it to better understand the functioning of natural ecosystem

2) Talked about Data Warehousing
Netezza performance server system:

Using Assymetric Massively Parallel Architecture:
- combines symmetric multiprocessing with massively parallel architecture

- Basically they tried to bring processing power to the data instread of sending data to the processing power
- Also had facility of sql-blast i.e adding blast capacity in sql.
- They have this concept of snippet processing unit, where on each nps server,

distributed data sits together with processor and streaming db logic. the execution engine, etc lie on teh smp host.

2.2) Grand challenges in assembling tree of life.

- various algorithms used and pros/cons of each of them.
- Raxml was the best

3) High performance data mining
- Talked about use of hpc in data mining.
- Use it for credit card frauds, detecting abnormalities in patterns of waves
- talked about simple algorithms like k means to more sophisticated algorithms like svm
- decision trees methods
- Capturing of events like El-Nino
- Intrusion detection

4) Grid computing
- Hands on training on globus grid toolkit.

5) Talks from companies and bigger research centeres about how they are using hpc
a) Tsunami detection and coastal modeling
b) Boing (787), mostly for simulations and fluid dynamics.
c) Disney (Chiken little-fully automated. )
d) Quantum cryptography.
e) Quantum computation for quantum chemistry
f) clawhmm: they use gpgpu for hmmer
g) from microsoft: compute cluster 2003


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