On the 5th anniversary of 9/11

Can there be a better time than the 5th anniversary of 911, to start thinking about politics 2.0? Lots of policies changed, lots of beliefs drained ...Stringencies loosened and lossenesss' tightened...Suddenly everybody knows where middle-east is and who Bin Laden is?. ..Not to mention the fact that lots of non-sports magazines and websites started popping up..and that too with a huge success....Does this mean that every country needs from time-to-time a tap on the head reminding it to re-think its policies against other countries, recapitate the ideals killed, start being skeptical about what might come? start recognizing the potential of silent waters?

I personally feel that 911 triggered the re-incarnation of US and many other countries....I don't justify such a cataclysmic event..Nor do I think that wrong policies can be only corrected via blood of thousands of innocent people...What I do think though is that these events are definitely a part of world-evolution....New definitions for "secularism" and "respect-for-other-humans" have emerged...World tends to move from an unsteady to steady state (or unsteady to less unsteady state)...Suddently everybody starts thinking cohesively...cities unite..states shake hands...and countries hug...Everybody wants to fight the evil..Definitions of evil changes....suddenly rapists/killers/child-molestors loose their status of being the worlds worst people...So the question now emerges..what's next? Is this state of peaceful equilibrium indeed in equilibrium or its one of those less-disequilibrium states waiting for more events to occur...Had evil been demolished or has it just been hibernated..


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